What to Do With Your Decluttered Items from Moving

November 7, 2023

Swamp Rabbit Moving Greenville

There’s no denying that preparing for a big move can be a huge hassle. A move takes a lot of coordination and planning to make sure everything gets done at the right time: having utilities turned on at your new place, getting utilities out of your name at your old place — oh, and that’s not to mention the actual move itself!

Getting ready for a move may seem like an overwhelming task, and it’s suddenly amazing how much stuff you’ve acquired over the years. Books and magazines to clothes and toys — when you’re faced with having to pack it all, it suddenly seems like way too much. And it’s not like you want to completely throw away items that are in perfectly good condition. (But, we do acknowledge that there are some items that need to be thrown away, whether for health or sanitary reasons.)

Fortunately for you, you have a couple of options. There is, firstly, the option to try and sell some of your items online or at a garage sale. This can be a good idea if you have the time and patience to sell every individual item.

If you don’t have the time or patience to sell everything, there’s always the option to donate. Donating is always a great option, and if you didn’t know, Swamp Rabbit Moving is a proud partner of Habitat for Humanity. By donating, you get rid of all the items you don’t need (or want to take with you) while helping families in need — and keeping unwanted items out of a landfill.

Sorting through your stuff is probably one of the hardest things to do. Every item probably has some amount of sentimental value, making it harder to part with, but we like the Marie Kondo method: Does this item spark joy when you hold it? (Okay, maybe it’s not that simple.)

Fortunately, for the items you plan on giving away, there are several options depending on the type of item it is.

Computers and Electronics

Computers and certain electronics can sometimes be traded in for store credit, depending on how old the unit is and what condition it’s in. Stores like Best Buy also have a recycling program in which they’ll take your old, outdated electronics for free. Be careful with handling, as many laptops have lithium batteries inside, and these batteries can expand after so long. When lithium batteries swell and get old, they give off a distinctive smell and run the risk of exploding, so be careful when handling old electronics.

There are a few options if your electronics are in decent shape but not worth trading in.

  • Donate to thrift stores and/or non-profit shops (like Habitat for Humanity)

Many thrift stores and non-profit shops will happily take your electronics, just make sure they’re in working condition when you donate them. Someone will make good use of the thrift computer or device, whether for school or work.

  • Community centers or schools

Many schools and local community centers can make good use of used electronics, whether for staff or for students. The local community center can point you in the right direction if you’re not sure where to start.

Books, Magazines, Office Supplies

Some people are book collectors and refuse to give up any book they have, and that’s OK. If you’re not one of these people, keep reading.

  • Used book stores

If you have a used bookstore in town, definitely check them out. Many used bookstores will trade for store credit or sometimes even cash. Some stores will even take magazines, DVDs, or even comic books.

  • Libraries

You may find that your local library runs a literacy group, and they may ask you to donate your used books and magazines there. Hey, it may even end up at an underfunded library in an area that needs help. Libraries are great free resources for the local community, and helping people gain access to literature is a great deed.

  • Schools or daycare centers

Depending on the types of books you have, you may also want to consider donating your used books to a local school. Access to books is of utmost importance in the education of young minds. If you have extra office supplies (such as copy paper, boxes of pens or pencils, crayons, or any other office tool), you may also want to donate these items to your local schools. Budgets are frequently very tight in the school system, and they will usually take whatever they can get.

Clothing, Bedding, Kitchen Supplies, Toys

Bear in mind that depending on the state of your items, some places may not take them. Still, it’s worth a try, isn’t it?

  • Consignment shops

Most consignment shops will take your better-quality items, including clothes that have only been worn a few times. You’ll usually get a discount or money in exchange. Some may pay upfront, while others may not pay you until the item is sold, so consignment shops may not be the best choice if you’re moving far away.

  • Non-profits

Be sure to check the guidelines of your local non-profit that you want to donate to. Some of them have guidelines on what they can or cannot accept, so be sure to do your research before taking an entire car full of stuff to them.

  • Shelters

Many items will usually be accepted by shelters or other support agencies that help people get back on their feet. Like with non-profits, be sure to call ahead and verify that they’ll take the donation.

No matter what you choose to do with your decluttered items, do what works best for you, of course. We recognize that not every item can be donated and that some stuff has to be trashed — that’s inevitable. But whatever you do, do it with good intentions! And if you need moving or storage services, Swamp Rabbit Moving will hop to it!